I left school at about 2pm and caught the 22 where I transfer to the 8 on York Rd. While on the number 8 3 people are speaking of the 5 strip clubs that burned down. Wow, 5 strip clubs burned down and "the block", as the part of Baltimore St. with the strip clubs is referred to, has been shut down for the whole week.
I had no idea, I immediately think of my cousin who is a Bouncer outside of one of the strip clubs on "the block". I call him to make sure he still has a job. Meanwhile, everyone around me is listening in. "Hey I just heard some strip clubs burned down is your job ok", I ask my cousin and he replies, "Nah it was the one's across the street I'm good but it's shut down so I've been getting better with this flu I have." I'm so happy he has a job he just got it and we all need to work. But he goes on to speak and tell me how he's doing some side work, so I say, "OOOOhhhh side work, come over my house and do some please". "Well what do you need done", he asks, "Ummh just my vanity, no also rake the leaves, clean out the shop vac, sand and paint downstairs, a window is broken, and my pictures hung."
All of a sudden the 2 women and man around me bust out laughing, " You want a stripper to do all that. Girl you started out with a vanity and then you named everything under the kitchen sink." They were all cracking up. I started laughing to and told them that it wasn't a stripper that he was a bouncer outside, and they were like that is so funny we just knew you were talking to a stripper. So they said, "Baby you gonna have to cough up more than twenty dollars", and I said, "I know I realize after I mentioned the vanity, which I thought was going to be the only thing, and my list continued that I would probably have to give him more". And the lady said, "Well baby as long as you getting it done", then she started laughing again to herself mumbling stripper under her breath.
These people were all in my conversation and I didn't mind. It was funny though. Can you imagine a stripper doing all of these things. A handyman by day and a stripper by night, the the thought was so funny I just had to join them in the laughter. Boy do I love my City, and this surely brightened my day.
Next Stop... Regester Ave.
The True HBCU: Chronicles of a Young African American Woman Sentenced to the Metro System of Baltimore

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
White and Black
" Yeah girl, Nah, that's what I did I went right down there and told them I was homeless. Girl please they don't know, yeah you gotta do what you gotta do, that's how I got my bus pass and my furniture. Nah for real you gotta do it ." Ok it is real out here. This is the conversation of the lady next to me. Wow!
We never know what someone is going through. Not only someone, but based on the voice I heard I assumed I was listening to a black woman. No honey, she is white. Baltimore has such an extremely vast population of poor whites. Yes, you do not see this in NYC, but that's why I used to tell my friends up there to not be impressed with white people or what you think their lives are like because there are some who are worse off than us and just as poor. In Baltimore, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennesse, etc you will see white like you've never seen it before. I don't say this because I'm prejudice but because every culture has there secrets, and sometimes we think that it is only in the African American Community, no it's not so. Our secrets may have the spot light but we are not the only culture with them.
So please remember if you ever find yourself on the bus, that it's not just you it's everyone on the bus trying to make it and all cultures... Next Stop.
We never know what someone is going through. Not only someone, but based on the voice I heard I assumed I was listening to a black woman. No honey, she is white. Baltimore has such an extremely vast population of poor whites. Yes, you do not see this in NYC, but that's why I used to tell my friends up there to not be impressed with white people or what you think their lives are like because there are some who are worse off than us and just as poor. In Baltimore, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennesse, etc you will see white like you've never seen it before. I don't say this because I'm prejudice but because every culture has there secrets, and sometimes we think that it is only in the African American Community, no it's not so. Our secrets may have the spot light but we are not the only culture with them.
So please remember if you ever find yourself on the bus, that it's not just you it's everyone on the bus trying to make it and all cultures... Next Stop.
Are you kidding me?
I was over it. No smiling on the bus on this day. Don't say a word to me because I'm not feeling it at all. It's cold, I'm hungry, I don't feel like working, and I want to get in the bed, and on top of all of that my back hurts from this back pack.
Then as I get on the bus the driver says, "NOOONNOOOONOOO UUUHHH UUUHHh you gonna break the machine you don't do it like that", mind you I've been doing the same thing on every bus sticking it in the slot where it automatically pops back up instead of sliding it through the reader. He continues, "YOu could break it and I'm not trying to have my bus broken", first of all let me state I've been trying to be a good bus rider polite and friendly, but mister let me tell you this is not the day. I quickly said, " I do this on every bus", he says," well I'm sorry no one told you it was wrong," I think, dude I've all ready done it the card has popped back up fine and counted me as a rider let me go. So I swipe my card his way to shut him up, he was so loud, the whole bus is looking at me, "ok calm down now breathe its going to be ok" I say and I walk away. I felt a little bad after, but shoot don't try to embarass me on this bus off of something so minor because you know someone on the bus who's talking to you. Please Mister, TODAY IS NOT THE DAY.
Next stop please before I let them know what it really is....
Then as I get on the bus the driver says, "NOOONNOOOONOOO UUUHHH UUUHHh you gonna break the machine you don't do it like that", mind you I've been doing the same thing on every bus sticking it in the slot where it automatically pops back up instead of sliding it through the reader. He continues, "YOu could break it and I'm not trying to have my bus broken", first of all let me state I've been trying to be a good bus rider polite and friendly, but mister let me tell you this is not the day. I quickly said, " I do this on every bus", he says," well I'm sorry no one told you it was wrong," I think, dude I've all ready done it the card has popped back up fine and counted me as a rider let me go. So I swipe my card his way to shut him up, he was so loud, the whole bus is looking at me, "ok calm down now breathe its going to be ok" I say and I walk away. I felt a little bad after, but shoot don't try to embarass me on this bus off of something so minor because you know someone on the bus who's talking to you. Please Mister, TODAY IS NOT THE DAY.
Next stop please before I let them know what it really is....
Rep Where You're From
Ok when is the last time you were on a bus with the kids of today? Well I just had this experience. Interestingly, you don't know whether to be afraid for your life or laugh. Funny is not the word. Like these kids are really proud of their neighborhoods. It's like some type of local patriotism. I guess it shows they take an interest in their environment. All I heard was a bunch of dudes repping, or representing their hoods, "Yo that's them Cherry Hill Ni88as right there yo let's get them Ni88as, they not about it anyway, let's jump them Ni88as yo", and then the retort, " Whateva Nig88s we Cherry Hill all day son what it is, Yo Brandon they saying we pussies yo, they saying we can't handle ourselves, what you wanna do son," and Brandon says, "I don't have nothing to do with those Ni88as they don't mean anything to me", and the retort, " Yeah that's cause we Park Heights all day, y'all Chery Hill Y'all can't f88k wit us."
This went on for the rest of the bus ride until I got off. Now in my mind I didn't know whether to be proud they knew the name of their neighborhood or afraid that something was going to actually pop off. It seemed like some type of play or game between them. I mean they all got on the bus together just fine and they were laughing, but you never know. You have to be careful because I've learned what starts out as fun can quickly turn into chaos. So I got off at my stop and said a quick prayer that no more black men went to jail once I got off and continued my journey, got to love the children.
Next stop...
This went on for the rest of the bus ride until I got off. Now in my mind I didn't know whether to be proud they knew the name of their neighborhood or afraid that something was going to actually pop off. It seemed like some type of play or game between them. I mean they all got on the bus together just fine and they were laughing, but you never know. You have to be careful because I've learned what starts out as fun can quickly turn into chaos. So I got off at my stop and said a quick prayer that no more black men went to jail once I got off and continued my journey, got to love the children.
Next stop...
I think she's Mad
Last Tuesday I rode the 44 bus to my bible meeting. It was around 7pm when the bus pulled up. As we drove along the bus made its usual stop but the usual is not what got on the bus. "Where they at the North Carolina B*****s, What about the Georgia B*****s, Where else they from D.C, Tennessee, Where else the H*** they from", this lady is screaming this at the top of her lungs. Mad is what I thought she was but quickly realized I was wrong. She continued shouting this at the man who was on the bus with her and at every passenger who got on or left the bus. She was definitely insane. Honestly you couldn't tell who she was yelling at.
Like somebody would walk on the bus and she'd look right at them and say, " You North Carolina B88888s, what you looking at, M9999r F8888rs, always want something that's not your's". Whoa, the language was off the chain and she's talking to strangers. She looked like Celie from the color purple. Big braids sporadically placed all over her head, her eyes were large. The type of eyes that looked like they'd seen it and been through it all and never had they been dignified. She and this man touched my heart. He looked as if he'd done no wrong and that he just loved this crazy woman. He tried to shush her but she just wouldn't stop. I couldn't tell if she was just insane and wronged or just plain crazy. The compassion in this man's eyes seemed as if he'd never done any wrong, as if he just wanted to help her through her episode.
Looking at this couple I realize that the bus is not only eventful and something to write about, but it's also a way of life for many. Who am I to blog about this as if I am the only one who is Humble, Bus ridden, and Carless, but I figure if I don't tell the story who will.
Next Stop.....
Like somebody would walk on the bus and she'd look right at them and say, " You North Carolina B88888s, what you looking at, M9999r F8888rs, always want something that's not your's". Whoa, the language was off the chain and she's talking to strangers. She looked like Celie from the color purple. Big braids sporadically placed all over her head, her eyes were large. The type of eyes that looked like they'd seen it and been through it all and never had they been dignified. She and this man touched my heart. He looked as if he'd done no wrong and that he just loved this crazy woman. He tried to shush her but she just wouldn't stop. I couldn't tell if she was just insane and wronged or just plain crazy. The compassion in this man's eyes seemed as if he'd never done any wrong, as if he just wanted to help her through her episode.
Looking at this couple I realize that the bus is not only eventful and something to write about, but it's also a way of life for many. Who am I to blog about this as if I am the only one who is Humble, Bus ridden, and Carless, but I figure if I don't tell the story who will.
Next Stop.....
Monday, November 29, 2010
Onions OMG
Ok so I have this awful catch 22 situation. I had a weekly pass that expired Saturday and my monthly pass doesn't start until Wednesday, so what is a girl to do? Get a nasty bus driver. Yes lord. This woman was like, "Uh huh guess you'll be paying $1.60". In my head I did and said alot but I simply smiled and said, "I guess you're right and laughed". If you can't beat them join them right. I was $.15 cents short and this nice woman gave it to me, again the community I love it, and so then I put all of my quarters, dimes, and nickels, and almost pennies lol, into the coin slot. Then as I asked her how to purchase a daily pass, which let me tell you is not as convenient as NYC, she exclaimed, " What were you eating onions or something", me, "Yes I love them", bus lady, "Uh well I don't God I hate them", I think well at least she doesn't hide how she feels. So I took my stinky breath and all my luggage to my seat. Where I was quickly called back up by the bus driver to pick up a bag I'd dropped. Yes ladies and gentleman your's truly had the floor on the bus.
Anyway I've been through it all and I will not let this daily pass stop my day. So the nice lady who gave me the $.15 cents told me where to get a daily pass. Ok I its my stop, Greenmount and 33rd, I don't see it. I continue walking, I ask, "Do you know where I can get a daily", "No" he says. "Excuse me do you know where I can get a daily", "Yes baby go two stores down to the liquor store". Great into the liquor store I go. "Excuse me how much are your daily bus passes", "Ahwhat we no havy no bussy passes heayur" the Korean guy exclaims, should've known. I give up where's the atm, yes an MandT atm no fee for me. So I take out $20.00, then I go into the slowest Rite Aid in the world. Yes, you know the one hit by the recession with one cashier and of course the line is 3 people long and might as well be 15 people long by the way its moving. And of course they are having a sale on alcohol so all the holics are there lined up with there bottles making sure that they are getting the correct price, and their cigarettes. O I just need to buy this foil so that I can break my twenty and get on the bus. Finally my turn. She Gives me my change one ten dollar bill, one five dollar bill, and 3 ones, but I need $.50. "O", she says, "I can't give you any change because I closed my drawer you are going to have to wait for the next customer". There aren't any, its just me, ahhhhhhh. Ok that last part happened in my head. Then, "If you hurry up and go over there she can give you some", I go running like a slave who almost reaches victory. Yessa Yessa Ize a Comin. Finally, I have the $.50. And if it couldn't get worse, it didn't.
The bus was right outside, and you know that song by Alanis Morrisette, Isn't it Ironic, well guess what, big orange sign on top of where I would put my $3.50 that says not working. Lord help me and you know what's next....
Next Stop...
Anyway I've been through it all and I will not let this daily pass stop my day. So the nice lady who gave me the $.15 cents told me where to get a daily pass. Ok I its my stop, Greenmount and 33rd, I don't see it. I continue walking, I ask, "Do you know where I can get a daily", "No" he says. "Excuse me do you know where I can get a daily", "Yes baby go two stores down to the liquor store". Great into the liquor store I go. "Excuse me how much are your daily bus passes", "Ahwhat we no havy no bussy passes heayur" the Korean guy exclaims, should've known. I give up where's the atm, yes an MandT atm no fee for me. So I take out $20.00, then I go into the slowest Rite Aid in the world. Yes, you know the one hit by the recession with one cashier and of course the line is 3 people long and might as well be 15 people long by the way its moving. And of course they are having a sale on alcohol so all the holics are there lined up with there bottles making sure that they are getting the correct price, and their cigarettes. O I just need to buy this foil so that I can break my twenty and get on the bus. Finally my turn. She Gives me my change one ten dollar bill, one five dollar bill, and 3 ones, but I need $.50. "O", she says, "I can't give you any change because I closed my drawer you are going to have to wait for the next customer". There aren't any, its just me, ahhhhhhh. Ok that last part happened in my head. Then, "If you hurry up and go over there she can give you some", I go running like a slave who almost reaches victory. Yessa Yessa Ize a Comin. Finally, I have the $.50. And if it couldn't get worse, it didn't.
The bus was right outside, and you know that song by Alanis Morrisette, Isn't it Ironic, well guess what, big orange sign on top of where I would put my $3.50 that says not working. Lord help me and you know what's next....
Next Stop...
The Bank and Now
Ok so usually if I need to run an errand I hop in my car. Now I take the bus. I tried to think of who could help me so I wouldn't have to. But I reminded myself Candice you opted to take the bus, now own up to it. So I bundled myself up and head out the door. This is Saturday November 27th. So I got a ride to the bus stop from the neighbor who was leaving his house and going up the street. From here I went across town to the bank I knew would be safest, why? It's in a supermarket and well lit. Not bad I got there in 20 minutes and as soon as I got off the bus mta police were right there. I must admit I was slightly intimidated by the male representation on the bus, yes people I was the only female on the bus, but hey I put on my NY street smarts and made it do what it do, lol. From here since the market is at a major public transportation center called Mondawmin, I took the subway to Charles Center to Citibank where I made my last bank stop. By this time one of my homies was on his way back in town to a party at his cousins and so I walked up Charles Street to the Super Fresh to get groceries while I waited for him to pick me up. Figured since I had a car I better use the opportunity to get groceries before the party that I was now going to. It was a great walk. The cold air invigorated me.
It reminded me of former NY days and I just relished in each sensation. The wind blowing by, cars driving by, conversation, and the meeting of a friend somewhere to eat at someone's studio apt, were reminiscent of all of the things I miss in NY. The dinner was great by the way. And although, I was a little cold, but what else would I be its winter people, I saw the good in it all I got it done and on my own. This blog is about the positive. Anyway you know what to say...
Next Stop.......
It reminded me of former NY days and I just relished in each sensation. The wind blowing by, cars driving by, conversation, and the meeting of a friend somewhere to eat at someone's studio apt, were reminiscent of all of the things I miss in NY. The dinner was great by the way. And although, I was a little cold, but what else would I be its winter people, I saw the good in it all I got it done and on my own. This blog is about the positive. Anyway you know what to say...
Next Stop.......
So I Got a Ride
Calm down! I did not say I took a hack, Baltimore's version of hitch hiking, I said I got a ride. Last Wednesday November 24, 2010 was my last day of therapy, but guess what there is no bus that takes you to the express MVA or that rides on Joppa road. I had to turn in my tags in order to get rid of the insurance. However, the nice man in therapy offered to drop me off and from here my cousin picked me up. Wow! I had to rely on a stranger, but in the words of so many, I just had to do what I had to do.
Of course, safety is always first, I asked about him from the staff before I accepted the ride, you never know nowadays, but I'm so happy that there are still decent people out there who don't mind lending a hand.
Thank you Mr. Lo. You are a gangsta in your own right.
Of course, safety is always first, I asked about him from the staff before I accepted the ride, you never know nowadays, but I'm so happy that there are still decent people out there who don't mind lending a hand.
Thank you Mr. Lo. You are a gangsta in your own right.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Phone of all Phones
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH, was my mouths reflex. I couldn't even stop the expression from jumping out. It's what I want.
So I'm addicted to buttons. Due to this fact, I have not yet switched to a touch screen phone. But this is beautiful. I may have to give up the buttons now. I'll just find something else to push. HMMmmhhh!
Anyway this girl sat next to me on the bus and just whipped it out. As my oooohhhh just poured from my mouth, she just gave me the you're a retard look. It's ok, sometimes I am, I'm cool with that. I asked her what little I could get out of her about the phone, and after I realized that wouldn't be much, I accepted that I at least got the name, and regained my composure.
O Mrs. Intercept can I have your autograph!!!
Next stop staying focused: I'm on a budget you know.
Action at 12pm
Yes, two young girls got the bus started. They boarded the bus as everyone else. Then abruptly, while giggling, they ran off the bus to dodge themselves into oncoming traffic to board the same bus route going in the opposite direction.
The reaction: A complete sigh of disapproval. I heard, " They running their mouth so much they don't even pay attention, this generation I just don't know about them." And from here it went on with they need to do this and they need to do that. They just haven't been taught and what they need to be taught is xyz.
I don't think this is fair. I mean, really the behavior of the two girls was age appropriate. They were no more than 15/16 years of age.
I clearly remember this age, silliness just pervades. You are newly gaining your independence, learning the ropes to life, and sometimes the details are just missed, and all you can do is laugh out loud. Like these young girls did as they realized that they were about board the right bus heading in the wrong direction.
On top of this we all make mistakes. This entitled man voicing his opinion on the young girls behavior had obviously never been a teenage girl, because if he had he would have just laughed and saw it as normal.
How do you feel?
Next Stop Loch Raven & Glen Keith Blvd ( If you're wondering all of this really did happen at the same stop)
The Man
He looked straight out of prison. Broad shoulders, very muscular and built, and angry. He had a glare that said quick temper, I am not the one. And his words alarmed me. He was right next to me and I couldn't help but stop working on my paper to acknowledge this lost soul, silently that is.
He uttered, " This bus driver does this everyday driving this bus all slow making me late for work." The cause for this explosion : The bus driver sat at the bus stop maybe 60 seconds longer than he would have liked.
My concern is that this man spoke of the bus driver as his personal servant or driver, as if no one else were on the bus.
This man looked truly void of ambition or any ability to own his own car. This bus and being driven around is all he knows. As a people there is another side of our community where ownership, and preference do not exist. We have to take what we can get and do our best with it and in this case the bus was just that for this Man.
When did we as a people get so content to the point that in our minds the bus becomes not a tool that we use to get from place to place but our own personal coach. I looked around me and slowly and sadly I realized he was not the only one.
I wanted to cry. I was blessed and with no reason. I've had opportunities that many have never had, but yet I am no better, I just wish that this Man could have experienced something better for his life. Something to make him smile on his ride, something that lets him know there is more out here, something that says hold on it gets better just keep working hard to grow from the past, something that says Mister I feel your pain but you deserve everything they've got go for it. But would he even believe it.
What is really going on in society? The bus is full of these men or this man. Grown men who do not have the access nor the opportunities to own their own vehicle. Many who have never even traveled their local surroundings on their own time and at their own pace.
Next stop Loch Raven & Glen Keith Blvd.... My community My heart.
The Elderly Experience
I watched in horror as an elderly woman almost fell off the bus with her walker in hand. Those crowded around the front of the bus quickly rushed to help. A man then opened her walker for her and she kept on going. She looked around her late 70's or early 80's. As the bus drove by I just observed her as she crossed a small street to Giant.
My issue: I have a 92 year old grandmother, what if this was her?
I mean this woman has no other way to get food.
What happened to the days when we would knock next door and ask Mrs. Elderly if she needed anything?
Clearly they're gone, and clearly its hard to trust anyone nowadays. But what about her family where are they?
I say I watched in horror because I was alarmed to think of all what might happen to her! And with her feebleness she could easy be taken advantage of.
I quickly tried to think of a happy thought. Yes! In criminal justice class they spoke of how the elderly were least to be victimized out of any age group because of the time of day they choose to come out. There is less activity at this time.
However, for some reason this slight solace was not enough. I needed more. I needed to see her family member pull up, or a loving neighbor say, " Hey Mrs. Elderly let me help you shop." But neither was there.
Is there no one here for our elderly? Will anyone be here for me, or us?
As scary as this world is the thought is daunting. All I could do is offer a quick prayer for her safe return home. By Mrs. Elderly, take your time please, and be safe, and I wish you a safe return.
Next stop 33rd St & Ellerslie...
Today is the day, November 23rd, 2010
IIII did it, yes it has finally begun, and like one of the readers said let the hilarity ensue... Ok so some things I forgot about.
A.) Holding on- very necessary so as not to wind up in some strangers lap.
B.) Being polite- I really don't want to die and we all know in Bmore you can Bshot.
C.) Strength- Necessary to hold on, stand for an entire bus ride, and walk to numerous bus stops, stand while waiting for the bus, and running for the bus.
So what did I experience today, D.) All of the above.
Lord let me tell you taking the bus at 29 is soooo not the same as when I was 17. Even though at 17 I was in NYC in transition to Baltimore public transportation was public transportation, and today showed me that I am obviously out of shape.
Anyway other than the things I forgot I actually had a pleasant Welcome Home bus ride. The walk up my block was peaceful, the bus wait and ride timely. Yes, it was great. I mean what more can I ask for. As I said good morning to the first bus driver, she looked at me like I was crazy, and as I asked her my one and only question about my bus stop, her look of an unspoken death threat was enough to put fear in any born again bus rider. Then, as I proceeded on the bus with a book bag on my back, a purse on my arm, and a duffle bag, yes on top of my bus riding I had to bring a change of clothes for my bible meeting in this bag, which also had enough room for breakfast thank goodness because after all of this I'm going to need it, I avoided looking too happy that my first day on the bus had finally arrived amongst so many with such dire countenances. I also tried to follow book bag etiquette so that I wouldn't bump anyone with it. Yes as the untrained dancer I am I turned ever so slightly, bringing my bag to one shoulder and gracefully twisting through the packed bus on my tippy toes as if I had attended ballet class all my life.
Finally, after all the rocky changes of directions, and stops, I mean who said to make bus routes so curvy, geesh, I ended up at school, on time and with enough time to make breakfast, man this is better than driving. I even had a chance to read my bible and daily message. WWWOOOOHOOOO!!!. From here I went to work taking the same 22 bus in front of my school back in the same direction getting off at Greenmount Ave to wait for the 8. It came immediately and with 3 more behind it. I got to work on time and with enough time to work on my essay. From here I got my boss to drop me off at Northern Parkway and York Rd to take the 44 to my bible meeting at Rogers and Liberty Rd. Then, as I left my bible meeting, I walked to liberty rd and Rogers to take the bus 52 on liberty rd back to the 22 in front of my school where I was this morning and home.
Sounds like alot, it was, but the beauty of the whole situation was I rose above, I did what I had to do, and no commute on any bus even with the transfer took longer than a half an hour and my wait time was not more than 15 minutes, even in transfers. Could I have found my niche? Well maybe till the bad days come! But for now I am happy. Happy I have no car payment, happy I have no car insurance, happy I don't need gas, oil changes, and other car related things. And most of all no lemon to worry about. What about the winter you ask, I spent a good amount @ Sierra Trading Post on winter items so I'm ready, and remember I'm a prior New York Warrior public transportation extraordinaire.
I've missed the bus, I've missed the time to read, I miss the community of it all..... Now what's next....
Ok so a little held back
Ok so I had every intention of starting my bus ride this am, but long story short I'm not prepared. Yes when planning to ride a bus preparedness is necessary. Why? Well, anything is possible. Maybe I'll be called into work, so I'll need my work clothes, maybe I'll get hungry, so I'll need a snack, maybe it will be super cold, I need to dig out my bubble coat. So, I decided to push it up til next week. So now the adventure begins 11/29/10. Hope to see you there, and if I don't see you have a great time off with your family.
First Things First
To let you know who I am, a strong willed woman seeking to buy a home soon. Twenty - nine years old with the ambition of a star. What happened? My car was totaled. Yes, following Noah's 40 day and 40 night flood in the basement of the house I'm renting and will buy, my car was totaled. How? Well, a woman at the intersection of Reisterstown Rd, Druid Hill Park, and Park Heights Ave, an awful traffic triangle with no turning signals, decided she could turn left in front of me before I made it to the intersection, even though I had the right of way. Truly I T-boned her, and after checking to make sure she was ok, because her air bags deployed, VISIONS: of holding her head into the air bag with no relief quickly emerged. Anger was not the word. Not only did she look like she was going to try to turn in front of me and so I stopped, she saw me and stopped, and then just as I decide to proceed BAM.
End Result: Car is Totaled. Her insurance covered the whole accident. Then a lemon was bought. " It costs $5000.00 to fix what", you could here me at the Precision Auto Tune. "This car is going right back." So without a lot of savings, no desire for a car payment, and winter approaching, and a house to buy; I've decided to take the bus. Always slightly Bougy in my head, I have to face the reality, Poordom is my new name, and the bus will be my game. And this Blog will be my outlet, cause girl I know I'll have to vent. Welcome to my HBCU, Humbled, Bus Ridden, Carless, and it could be U as I let you know what happens each day.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Follow Me and Let me know if I'm dead on. Let the Ride Begin.
Hey Bmore, and family, thanks for tuning in, please don't feel afraid to chime in when you can relate, add, or sympathize, I'm doing this for us because I know I'm not the only one in need of venting.
Please don't be afraid to comment and share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as well.
Adventure: Monday November 19, 2010.
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